Mold and Asbestos Removal Kittery Maine
Having mold in your Kittery, Maine home or business could be the cause of sickness and a variety of health problems.
Peniel Environmental mold removal company of Kittery Maine are very aware of the medical problems that mold can cause if left unattended. Mold exposure can lead to serious health complications, illness, hospital visits, and the worse case, death.
Some of the medical problems among others include:
It is not just allergy season. Mold is a common allergen. If you do not see any signs of infection like skin break-out that doesn't mean that you are not affected by mold. Some of allergic symptoms your household may experience are shortness of breath, passing out, and in extreme circumstances, fatality.
Asthma attacks. Adults, especially children, with asthma are at a higher risk to having mold affect their breathing. Certain types of mold found in a home have been the root of asthma attacks. Asthma attacks can cause serious damage, such as a collapsed lung.
If you are not confident that mold if the reason you are experiencing these symptoms, Peniel Environmental can test your Kittery, Maine home or business for mold and remove it once discovered. Contact us today!