Mold and Asbestos Removal Kennebunkport, Maine
Kennebunkport, ME, get its fair share of rain through out the year.
On average Kennebunkport residents could see up to 48 inches of rain per year, this is above the US average of 37 inches. It doesn't stop there. The snowfall in Kennebunkport is well above most us cities. The average US city gets 25 inches of snow per year while Kennebunkport gets 44 inches! The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 130.
Mold thrives on damp, moist environments and with the amount of snow and rain this area receives it shouldn't be a surprise if mold is present in your homes basement or small crawl spaces. For professional mold testing and remediation in Maine contact Peniel Environmental at 1-603-541-7979.
Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that has found its purpose as a great insulator due to its high resistance to heat and most chemical reactions! If you suspect that your building or home was built or remodeled with materials containing asbestos, testing for it is the first step. When the presence of asbestos is confirmed, its abatement should be a high priority due to serious health risks.
If you are a Kennebunkport Maine home or business that has mold or asbestos present contact Peniel Environmental to remove the problem.