During the cold weather, water pipes in your home can be at serious risk if not taken care of properly. When water in a pipe freezes, it expands and the pressure increases enough for it to burst. If you notice your pipes are covered in frost or if your toilet doesn’t refill after a flush that may be a sign that you have frozen pipes.
To prevent frozen pipes from happening inside your home, it’s a good idea to keep the thermostat set to the same temperature throughout the day and night. If you are heading on vacation during cold weather, try to leave the heat on in your home, set the temperature no lower than 55° F. Another preventative action you can do in your home is opening the kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors to allow warmer air to circulate around the pipes.
In order to thaw frozen pipes, turn on a faucet and let water trickle out, running water through the pipe will help melt ice in the pipe. Also, using a space heater or heat lamp can help thaw visible frozen pipes. If you have frozen pipes in your home that may have burst or caused damaged, contact Peniel Environmental Solutions at 1-603-541-7979 or fill out our contact form.