Asbestos Testing
Never risk exposure to asbestos.
Asbestos exposure is very dangerous. It is a proven carcinogen. It’s known to cause asbestosis, mesothelioma and lung cancer. Airborne asbestos is the most dangerous. Demolishing, repairing, or just disturbing suspect materials may cause the asbestos fibers to dislodge and release into the air which can be dangerous for anyone in contact with that air.
Many older building materials still contain asbestos including acoustic ceiling tiles. Sprayed or troweled-on ceiling materials, window caulking and or glazing, floor tiles, linoleum, insulation, drywall/joint compound, exterior stucco, roofing, etc. Before you disturb any material you suspect might contain asbestos, you’re well advised to have a sample of that material tested by someone qualified to handle it.
Asbestos has properties which make it suitable for use as insulation and as part of binding materials in buildings. Asbestos has been used in such parts of the home as floor tiles, ceiling panels, acoustical ceilings, exterior stuccos, etc. All in all there have been over 3600 products manufactured that contain asbestos. It would be impossible to list all of these products here. The only sure way to find out if the material you are concerned with contains asbestos is to have the material tested.
Potential exposure to asbestos isn’t worth the risk. Peniel Environmental provides complete and confidential asbestos testing services.
Mold Testing
Peniel Environmental understands why and how mold grows indoors. Testing for and discovering molds and their sources of moisture and food are important first steps to take.
Crime Scene Cleanup
The scene of a crime presents a complex set of problems which need to be handled methodically and meticulously. Peniel Environmental expertly cleans up the places where unfortunate and tragic events take place.
Smoke Damage
Peniel Environmental Solutions knows the damage a fire can have on your New Hampshire home. No matter how a fire starts, the end result is always hard to deal with. We are aware of what causes smoke damage, but puff back from furnaces can be the number one cause of smoke damage to your home.